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Our Soap Making Classes Offer Informative Fun!

Cold Process Soap Making How To's post1 Soap Making Classes

Soap Making Classes in Arizona for Cold Process

Arizona Soap Supply offers classes in cold process soap making in Chandler, AZ. Our soap making expert, Joanna Couch, leads our soap making classes and teaches you all you need to know about making cold process soaps. The class also includes an Arizona Soap Supply’s Nekked AZ soap kit, with the  premixed oils and lye water you’ll need to make your own soap! The Process Cold soap making is a process by which soap is rendered without heat. Our soap making classes give you safe, step by step instructions for the handling the lye water and other ingredients used in the process. The cold soap making process calls for precise measuring, and our classes will teach the best way to accurately pour, measure and manipulate the ingredients to get the best results. We also teach our students how to heat essential oils, and at which temperature each oil is at its peak. You will also learn about emulsification, blending and saponification. We also teach our students about trace, and the best time to add solids or botanicals to the soap. Reserve Your Spot Today! From the opening of your Arizona Soap Supply’s Nekked AZ soap kit to the finished product, we walk you through each and every step of the cold soap making process in our fun and informative classes. For more information about our soap making classes call, 480-275-7463 or visit our event calendar here!

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