Sugar Cookie Crunch Fragrance Oil -
You know when you walk into someone's home and it smells like baked heaven? Heaven to us is the smell of baking sugar cookies. Its buttery delicate crunch decorated with colored sugar crystals on top is not only a festive treat, it makes a house a home. Did you know that many realtors will bake a few sugar cookie "slash n' burns" (or "slice and bakes") in the oven before showing a prospective buyer a house? True story. And it works! It brings people to a happy place.
It's certainly not just for holidays anymore. We make them all the time!
Jo had to make sugar cookies to take these photos, and her house smelled like buttery sugar baked goodness for two days. Mmmmm. She really suffered getting this photo up ;)
One single drum yields 25 lbs. of fragrance. LEAD TIME: approximately 2 weeks. Please plan your product production schedule accordingly.
Phthalate Free
Flashpoint: >200° F (no transportation restrictions)
Vanillin Content: 1) Ethyl-Vanillin 1.0% - Vanillin 7.0%
Will turn soap a dark brown color
IFRA class(es) Level of use ( % )
The International Fragrance Association (IFRA) Guidelines for safe usage of fragrances and essential oils in perfumes and skincare. The following is a excerpt from the IFRA category list with maximum percentage for safe use.
Category 1: Not allowed Category 7: 10.8%
Category 2: 5.3% Category 8: (body powders) 4.8%
Category 3: 21.5% Category 9: (bar soap) 12.1%
Category 4: (lotion) 64.6% Category 10: 6%
Category 5: 33.8% Category 11: (Candles) No restrictions
Category 6: Not allowed See IFRA Certificate for Sugar Cookie Crunch
This product is in compliance with the IFRA, if the fragrance is used in the noted applications listed above at the indicated maximum concentration levels. "Maximum Levels of Exposure To Skin" is the measurement of fragrance oil that can come in contact with skin. It doesn't mean that your product can perform at these levels. You must test all oils in each application for evaluation of safety.
Soap and Other Notes:
Soaped easily with no accelerated trace or ricing. Soap will turn a dark brown.
Smells like the real thing!! Perfect in sugar scrubs, lotions, oils, etc., in cold process soaps, the scent loses some of the buttery note, but still smells yummy.
Our recommended usage rates:
CP soap: 1.25-2 oz per lb. of oil
MP soap: 1.25-2 oz per lb. of soap base
Bath and Body products: 1-3%
4 oz: $ 11.25
16 oz: $ 31.95