Clean Laundry Fragrance Oil
You know when you do laundry and it comes out of the dryer and you just want to "bathe" in it because it smells so fresh and you find yourself burying your face into the newly laundered clothes? Oh YEAH. The smell of clean, fresh linens can bring back so many memories, but most of all, this fragrance smells fantastically clean and fresh for the smell-good-lovers out there!
If you make products for people who love clean laundry, this is IT!
One single drum yields 25 lbs. of fragrance. LEAD TIME: approximately 2 weeks. Please plan your product production schedule accordingly.
Phthalate Free
Flashpoint: >200° F
Vanillin Content: 0%
The International Fragrance Association (IFRA) Guidelines for safe usage of fragrances and essential oils in perfumes and skincare. The following is a excerpt from the IFRA category list with maximum percentage for safe use.
Category 1 (lip care): Prohibited
Category 2: 3.17%
Category 3: 9.52%
Class 4 (lotion): 30.16%
Category 5: 15.87%
Category 6: 0% (do not use in mouthwash or toothpaste)
Category 7: 4.76%
Class 8 (body powder): 20%
Class 9 (bar soap): 39.68%
Category 10: 25.00%
Category 11 (candles): No restrictions
This product is in compliance with the IFRA, if the fragrance is used in the noted applications listed above at the indicated maximum concentration levels. "Maximum Levels of Exposure To Skin" is the measurement of fragrance oil that can come in contact with skin. It doesn't mean that your product can perform at these levels. You must test all oils in each application for evaluation of safety.
We test our fragrances in cold process soap made at room temperature. You will have different results if you soap at a warmer temperature or with hard oils/butters.
Our findings: No ricing, seizing or acceleration. Behaved well.
Our recommended usage rates:
Cold Process Soap: 1-2 oz per lb. of oil in batch
Melt + Pour Soap: 1-2 oz per lb. of soap base
Bath and body products: 1-3%
DOCUMENTATION IS AVAILABLE HERE. Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) and Safety Usage Limits (IFRA Certificates)
4 oz: $ 9.95
16 oz: $ 26.95