Wild Hyacinth Fragrance Oil
Imagine walking barefoot through a field of wild hyacinths alongside a forest with iridescent dragonflies fluttering about..... that's what it feels like to me when I smell this fragrance oil. Growing up in New York City and passing the street vendors selling potted hyacinths.... well, you could smell them from a block away, for goodness sakes!
When we found this wild hyacinth oil, we knew it would make you guys go MAD for the WILD in this oil. It is super thick with beauty and stamina.
One single drum yields 25 lbs. of fragrance. LEAD TIME: approximately 2 weeks. Please plan your product production schedule accordingly.
IFRA Certificate for Wild Hyacinth fragrance
MSDS for Wild Hyacinth fragrance
0% Vanillin - Won't turn your products brown!
Phthalate Free !
Flashpoint 197°F
Marked acceleration: It DID move VERY fast. Please do not use a water discount - this will help to avoid seizing your soap.Our recommended usage rates:
CP soap: 1-2 oz per lb. of oil
MP soap: 1-2 oz per lb. of soap base
Bath and Body products: 1-3%
4 oz: $ 9.95
16 oz: $ 26.95