Vanilla Milk Fragrance Oil
Vanilla cream with a glass-like sugar straw, please! This one isn't a vanilla buttercream: so sweet it makes your teeth hurt, or a bland vanilla with no sugar... this meets the two in the middle, where sugar and vanilla with cream meet, much like the peanut butter and chocolate meet up in Reeses' Peanut Butter Cup commercials. This is a nice vanilla. We went through 40 or so before we found one we liked. This one has no hint of plastic, playdoh, nailpolish, toxic waste....you know what I'm talking about... Try it and enjoy your milky vanilla cream with sugar.
One single drum yields 25 lbs. of fragrance. LEAD TIME: approximately 2 weeks. Please plan your product production schedule accordingly.
Flash Point: 200ºF
Vanillin content: 1.30%
Phthalate Free
MSDS for Vanilla Milk Fragrance
IFRA for Vanilla Milk Fragrance
Mad Oils is not responsible for any finished products made with our raw ingredients.
Tested in cp and it was very well behaved! Will turn your soap to a dark chocolate brown.
Our recommended usage rates:
CP soap: 1.25-2 oz per lb. of oil
MP soap: 1.25-2 oz per lb. of soap base
Bath and Body products: 1-3%
4 oz: $ 9.95
16 oz: $ 26.95