Lavender & Chamomile Type Fragrance Oil
Huggies Type fragrance:: BEDTIME BATH: Lavender and Chamomile. A very popular Johnson & Johnson fragrance that is both soothing and mild mannered. It has been noted by friends of ours that when they bathe their young babies and toddlers with products with this scent, their children actually calm down quite a bit. Lavender and chamomile are scents that have been noted to calm agitation or hyperactivity and induce calmness and even sleepiness.
It also just smells YUMMY!
One single drum yields 25 lbs. of fragrance. LEAD TIME: approximately 2 weeks. Please plan your product production schedule accordingly.
Contains 0.15% vanillin.
Contains Phthalates
Soap Notes:
Tested in cold process soaps and performed beautifully. No acceleration, ricing or seizing.
Our recommended usage rates:
CP soap: 1-2 oz per lb. of oil
MP soap: 1-2 oz per lb. of soap base
Bath and Body products: 1-3%
DOCUMENTATION IS AVAILABLE HERE. (Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) and Safety Usage Limits (IFRA Certificates))
4 oz: $ 9.95
16 oz: $ 27.50