Deviant Fragrance Oil
An ultra feminine fragrance which is luxurious and made for the confident, independent woman. Opening notes are marked with a fruity blend of bright red pomegranate, peach and tree ripened-apples. The main notes are an entwined swirl of flowers of peony, osmanthus and night-blooming marigold, while the base has notes of rum, sticky vanilla, a light musk, marshmallow and woody oak.
(Reminiscent of the fragrance Forever Red by BBW.. You can be the judge)
One single drum yields 25 lbs. of fragrance. LEAD TIME: approximately 2 weeks. Please plan your product production schedule accordingly.
Flashpoint: >200° F
Vanillin Content: 0.83%
The International Fragrance Association (IFRA) Guidelines for safe usage of fragrances and essential oils in perfumes and skincare. The following is a excerpt from the IFRA category list with maximum percentage for safe use.
Category 1: 0% Category 7: 1.67%
Category 2: 1.67% Category 8: (body powders) 11.76%
Category 3: 8.57% Category 9: (bar soap) 16.67%
Category 4: (lotion) 16.67% Category 10: 14.71%
Category 5: 14.29% Category 11: (Candles) 100%
Category 6: 0%
This product is in compliance with the IFRA, if the fragrance is used in the noted applications listed above at the indicated maximum concentration levels. "Maximum Levels of Exposure To Skin" is the measurement of fragrance oil that can come in contact with skin. It doesn't mean that your product can perform at these levels. You must test all oils in each application for evaluation of safety.
_______________________SOAP NOTES
When we tested this fragrance we observed no acceleration. However, there are a few people that have experienced it as a "fast mover"... causing acceleration. Please keep this in mind when you are creating your soap. Certain ingredients can cause an increased risk of fragrance acceleration. - We test our fragrance with room temperature lye water and oils and we do not discount the water.
We test our fragrances in cold process soap made at room temperature. You will have different results if you soap at a warmer temperature or with hard oils/butters.
Our findings: No ricing, seizing or acceleration. Behaved well.
- Our recommended usage rates:
- Cold Process Soap: 1-2 oz per lb. of oil in batch
- Melt + Pour Soap: 1-2 oz per lb. of soap base
- Bath and body products: 1-3%
Discolors to a coffee ice cream color (see photo)
DOCUMENTATION IS AVAILABLE HERE. Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) and Safety Usage Limits (IFRA Certificates)
LEAD TIME: Approximately 15 business days. Please plan your product production schedule accordingly.
4 oz: $ 9.95
16 oz: $ 26.95